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My Happy Place

my happy place 2I don't know about you, but I need a place of my own to go to to unwind, where I can contemplate life, get things in perspective and take some time out  from everyday stresses and strains. 

I call this my happy place.  The place where I go is not far away from my home,  but it takes a bit of effort to get there as it's an uphill hike all the way.   I have always said, when I'm feeling down take me up a mountain.  This isn't actually a mountain, more of a hill. But it's the place where I go to escape a little, enjoy nature and the changing seasons.  When I get to my place I sit on my favourite rock and just be for a while, before continuing on my way. 

I try to get to my happy place every week.  Sometimes it can be a bit of a struggle - if the weather is bad it is easier to cuddle up by the fire than face the challenge of the Yorkshire inclement weather. 

But however I feel when I set off, I always feel the benefit afterwards, as the walk gives me clarity, makes me feel calmer and just really makes me feel happier. 

I love coming up here in different seasons and weathers to see the changing colours and scenery around me.  I go here on my own but also love it with family or friends. Each time I go I see the world in a different way. 

Have you got your own happy place?  Where is it and why is it special?  Do you go there alone or with family or friends? 

And if you haven't been there for a while, maybe it's time to venture out to your happy place this week!