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Friends make life happier!

Our guest blogger this month, Lesley Greenwood is a Health and Wellbeing professional, specialising in psychology. Read her views on friendship below!

CHELSEA GIRL 1Friends are an important part of life, communicating and bonding with others is so important to our health and well-being. Neuro pathways in the brain and hormones such as oxytocin and serotonin, known as the feel good hormones are released when we have close warm contact with others.

So in 2019 make it your mission to keep your friends close and try and connect with new people. Togetherfriends is an amazing starting point. There are lots of women out there just ready to connect and form friendships, what’s holding you back?

Well it could be a number of things!

Thinking everyone else has lots of friends and doesn’t need you, for instance? This is generally very much not the case, everyone always has the need for new friendships. They add depth, interest and vigour to your life. Other people are often feeling exactly the same, and having confidence to reach out and connect is the key!

Using social media can actually make it easier to connect with like-minded women and problems, thoughts and hobbies can be shared with each other.

Togetherfriends allows you to connect one to one with other women who live close by, are of a similar age and who share similar interests.

There are so many women out there in the same position as you, who together can enrich each other’s lives!

So going forward into 2019, being lonely or alone should not be an option. Its great to connect, who knows where it may lead, it could take your life on a whole new pathway on a journey you just never expected!!

Togetherfriends are happy friends!!!

Happy 2019!!

Lesley Greenwood BSc (hons) MSc Clinical Sciences.   Twitter:

Lesley runs a part time health psychotherapy practice and counselling service, specialising in relationship counselling, depression, anxiety, mid-life transitions and behavioural change.  She is also author of a self help book “A Degree of Change!” under her pseudonym Lulu Green.  She writes articles for a number of online magazines specializing in mid life women’s health, well-being and ageing well.

Lesley plays tennis regularly and started running age 52 and ran her first Marathon in London 10 months later! She swims often and totally believes in the benefits of exercise for good mental health and fitness as we age.chester girl 2

Her motto is “ Carpe Diem!” seize the day, and believes anything is possible you just have to get out there and go for it !!