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Keeping connected in winter months

P1000128This week is Mental Health Week, so it's a good time to talk about the need to stay connected and active during winter months.

As the nights draw in and we all get chillier, it's easy to give up on a social life and to curl up by the fire in a woolly jumper.  And of course there is nothing wrong in that. 

But it's important to stay connected as well.   At this time of year it's easy to cut yourself off and move into your own little world where you dwell on your own issues.   It's easy to give up on exercise. After all, who wants to venture out in the cold for a run, exercise class or chilly walk when there is an easier option to stay in and hibernate. 

But it's so important to stay connected  and active whatever the weather. 

We all need time alone, but we all need time with others too.   The time alone is only special when it is a treat away from others, rather than being a replacement.  

 So if you are feeling reluctant to socialise or exercise, why not get on the phone, arrange a walk with a friend where you can wrap up warm and end with a hot chocolate or mulled wine?   And you will return home feeling refreshed, alive and ready to enjoy your own company.

And if you don't want to leave the company of your own home or are not able to, invite your friends to join you by the fire for a spot of supper.  They could always bring a dish to make things easier.  After all, it's the company that counts, not the effort. 

And remember, if you are feeling isolated and in need of some new friends, we might be able to help at togetherfriends